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David Weiss

Nightlife Karaoke & Sound



I have always been into music since the days when my parents introduced me to all of the different styles of music that they enjoyed. As the years went by, I would listen to local radio stations and develop my own taste of music and open my horizons even more. I would record music off of the radio and play it for my friends on the school bus with my first boom box. My family was the first ones on in the morning and the last ones off in the evening. I would religously listen to American Top 40 with Kasey Kasem as he counted down the songs each week and always made sure that I would have the best music for my friends to listen to. I also subscribed to Rolling Stone magazine and would read up on what the hottest songs

were on the charts. I continue to this day to study and make sure that I keep up with the hottest songs to make my customers happy​.


I have grown my business when I moved to the Eastern Panhandle of West Virginia from the humble beginnings of The Winner's Circle in 2001 where I officially got my start. The owner Tom gave me my first break hosting a karaoke show and playing music requests for his patrons on Friday and Saturday nights. I have since branched out as I got more experience and my company provides entertainment for various area bars and weddings as well as private parties, car shows and family dances.

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